buy No Photos Please T-Shirt

No Photos Please T-Shirt

Are you the person that looks so good that people start taking pictures of you even if they don’t know you?

Maybe you do and maybe you know someone that this happens to.

This t-shirt will help you to get ride of those nasty photographers taking pictures of you.

The shirt design is simple it just says in big letters “No Photos Please” and the shirt comes in a range of colors, styles and sizes so that you can get one for everyday of the week.

Of course they make a great fun gift for someone that thinks that they looks so good.

Get your No Photos Please T-Shirt


new york t-shirt

This t-shirt just says “NY” or at least that is the first thing you see when you look at it but then…..

Then you see that the letters are actually made out of a black and white picture of the skyline of New York.

A great idea and all in all an amazing t-shirt witch comes in different styles.

Come and have a close up look  of this NY T-Shirt.